My daughter pasteurizes all the milk she uses, for two reasons. She has young children and doesn't want to risk challenging their immune systems with raw milk. Number two, our milking cow is a BLV carrier (as are a high proportion of dairy cows in the US, btw). There is a suggestion that BLV can be a risk factor for development of human breast cancer. Pasteurization eliminates that worry. I use raw milk to make cheese, except for cheeses that are to be consumed at less than 60 days of aging (where acid development destroys harmful bacteria and supposedly the BLV virus.) My wife and I do use the fresh unpasteurized milk for our coffee, cereal and cooking, but we are old people and worry less about long term effects of BLV. The milk is handled and chilled quickly and hygienically by me personally. We also test fairly regularly for presence of dangerous E. Coli organisms in our milk cow. Not recommending raw milk consumption, just giving our perspective on things. I don't necessarily buy into the claims of great health benefits of raw milk, but I think it tastes better (and makes better cheese!)