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  1. Best Side By Side For Farm Use

    I have Landmaster650 by American Sportworks. Not a fancy machine but does the job. Dump bed, 4x4, winch, etc....all for much cheaper than anything else.
  2. walk-in box(cooler)

    everything I see about using a window ac unit suggests using a coolbot to control it. Is it possible (or bad idea) to just use a simple, and cheap temp. controller to override the unit and get it colder? Why isa is a CoolBot "better"? Thanks
  3. Will 2 4 D Kill Clover

    I sprayed pasture pro....2 I sprayed my buttercups with it....pasture pro....and the clover is still ok. Maybe I didn't spray enough as I thought it would kill it but glad it didn't. The buttercups suffered though......but not enough
  4. Help with buttercups....that are sure to grow in my pastures

    The deer eat them....goats don't seem to bother with them....
  5. Help with buttercups....that are sure to grow in my pastures

    A little late but here's the update. I sprayed with Pasture Pro. It made a noticeable impact on the buttercups. I can tell even today where I missed. I didn't get rid of all of them but a lot.....I mowed what started growing again and sprayed a second time. Doesn't seem as effective .
  6. How To Demagnetize Steel Pipe

    I think the hammer trick may work. Hit it hard with a hammer....really.
  7. How To Line Up Fence Posts Straight

    That's how I do it. Point A to Point B and pull TIGHT. Make you holes big enough for a little fudge attention and you can get VERY straight this way
  8. Missing chickens

    Glad you found the culprit. Good luck
  9. Help with buttercups....that are sure to grow in my pastures

    2,4-d is the same as Pasture Pro?
  10. Help with buttercups....that are sure to grow in my pastures

    thank you
  11. Where is your farm?

    48 acres in Federalsburg Md half woods, half not (horse pasture and wildlife food plots)
  12. Roundup 2 4 D Tank Mix

    I would avoid the Rounup unless you want to kill (most) everything
  13. How Many Gallons Is A Ton

    I get 240 gallons....
  14. Missing chickens

    My brother "lost" some quail like that a while ago........he found (caught) his neighbor taking them and letting them go "free"......
  15. Missing chickens

  16. Mini cows?

    I knew there would be a slider joke! LOL They (2) will just be "pets".....maybe breed once in a while as they are supposedly in high demand
  17. Help with buttercups....that are sure to grow in my pastures

    oh, and another added question......are goats dumb enough to eat them? We have 2 we let run around the pasture too and wondered if will hurt them. Up until now they have been penned. Some history......the horses were put out there before the goats showed up.
  18. Help with buttercups....that are sure to grow in my pastures

    I'm just wondering if there were just so many that in getting the good food they couldn't help but get some BCs in their mouth? I have been mowing the S@#@ out of them to try and stay ahead of them......seems to help a little but just hoping there was a better answer. Amanda, I don't know what...
  19. Help with buttercups....that are sure to grow in my pastures

    But there are SO many of them that they seem to be overtaking the good. It hasn't happened to our horses yet but the last person who had their horses grazing there got blisters. I was hoping there was a way to keep them controlled somewhat.......However when it gets HOT they "go away".
  20. Mini cows?

    So my wife wants to get some mini there anything "special" that needs to be done as opposed to just regular cows? Can they be put in with horses?