Combines 1010 header


There is a sensor package available for 1010s I believe. My 1020 works good.


Oops! Guess I didn't finish that. The 1020 has a potentiometer on the left side of feeder opening. A short cable runs down to a pipe that runs the width of the header along the back side. This pipe has fingers that are activated by each runner under the header. The number of runners varies by width of the header. If any one of these runners hits a high spot it will move the pipe and activate raise. All of them must be realxed to facilitate drop. This system will not work on the 1010 because it has no flex. Still believe there is an attachment for 1010 for auto float. I have header height and and field tracker sensors on my 1083 cornhead, but believe the 1010 is a little different yet. If memory serves it should have somesort of pipe that will affix to the bottom near the cutterbar. Think this pipe has longer fingers that extend behind it and ride the ground contour to make it pivot and control the pot. Don't think it would be hard to do, but also can't see this head cutting on the ground because of the nature of the sensing tube. Think it may cut 3 to 4 inches off the ground with not problem.


I have a 1010 with both AHHC and Field Tracker sensors installed. What I did was to take the completing kit from a 1083 corn head. The three sensors are mounted to the skid shoes under the header and far enough back that the bar runners which are supplied with the kit will come up behind the header frame. The AHHC sensor must be mounted to the side of the feeder house for this to occurr. Works really well once we got the wiring routed so sunflowers and kocia weed stems would not pull wires from connectors. If you want any more information please e-mail.