Combines 1010 or 1020IJ


I dont think you would be happy with a 1010 ridged. All you have to do on the 1020 is lock it in ridged mode for wheat. I used my 1020 on my 1460 and 1660 and the auto header didnt work on the head so you have your finger on the height control all the time and pay close attention if you want to save beans. This year I bought a 2388and next year I am defintly getting a head that that combine can read.(darn computers) But if you have a older combine like my father in law 79 1480 you will need 3 arms to run the leakey hydro and the manual hyd and the stering wheel. The electric on the hydro isnt so bad. good luck


the land we have here is not flat some feilds with lots of little rocks so the float is nice


Our experience with 2 1020 heads over the course of many years were they were really good heads and did a great job for us....Sure they have some weak points but it does the job I don't really think the 2020 head is all that much better...they claim it floats better and cuts well at dark but hard to compare a brand new head to a head with 5-10 plus years on it Kinda like saying my class 8 combine outdoes two calls 6's even thou he had a old 1020 head on it and then a huge new draper head on the new one. (good comparison) thumbs down ive learned alot this past year on just how good the 2388 can run with a big draper head.. don't really see a need to moveing up on combine size unless you want a 12 row head and you have alot of acres to do....and you can handle the amount which would be alot..


The cutterbar on a 1020 is much farther from the auger than a 1010. In standing wheat, you can take a lot less stalk with the 1010, which increases capacity. In beans, you really need the flex, but without auto header height it will be very tiring to run unless the ground is perfectly flat. I think I would base the decision on speed. If you need to get over the wheat ground quickly, you will really need the 1010 (the 1480 won't have a lot of extra power to spend on long straw). This will mean a slow bean harvest and extra loss. If you were going to upgrade to a combine with auto header height in the near future, the 1020 might make more sense.


No 1010 heads in my area, all the wheat and beans get cut with 1020's and work very well in both. Just lock the knife up rigid in wheat if it is standing well and if it goes flat I have run my 1020 in flex mode for wheat. My vote would be the 1020.


Something to consider about the 1020 and milo. If you lock the cutter bar up you can cut milo without the addition of milo guards. Have done this for several years and works great.


I run the 1020 in all crops that use a cutterbar. It will do everything the 1010 will do and then some. For a price, you can put auto header on an '84 1480. It's all electric.