Combines 1020 1460 Auto Header Problem


My email address is wrong in the original post. It is Thanks


sounds like a broken wire. probsbly next to feeder house. start combine up and put in auto and go move the wires next to upper feeder house and the header should show some movement. if you get the right place it will jump. also check conn. in conn.


I'll check again. I did it with a Continuity tester, but not when the system was on. Thanks, Tom


Please be VERY, VERY, VERY careful if you decide to leave the cab with the auto header control engaged. You MUST make sure that the header_feederhouse can not hurt you or anyone else no matter which way it goes or how far it goes. I know this seems obvious, but without the header responding to the current "mode" that it has been placed it, it could react sudddenly when a short in the wiring makes contact. Again, please be careful.


We think we have traced it to the upside of the header lift valve. Had the mechanic out 2x today. Thought it was a bad connection. Course it would work fine when he was here. Stopped working again, Retraced all the wiring we could, replaced potentiometers, and smartbox, on the second trip. After two hours, tapped valve and it would work. Valve is on way to town to be rebuilt. Thanks for the advise.