Combines 1020 assistance needed


YOu just need to take the divider off and unbolt it in the two spots where that back black piece pivots then its pretty simple from there you got a bolt with a bushing then there's two bushings that go on both sides of the long one..


Thanks for the advice. we figured it out yesterday. Ended up taking the wobble box off to make the thing easier to handle. That is a heavy sucker with that on there. Forklift would have been handy in that instance.


Guest still lost cause if were talking about the same thing then you did alot of work for nothing lol ahh well..gald you got it done


Im talking about the bushings that hold up the back of the A frame that the wobble box, divider, and sickle bar are all bolted to. The bushings were shot, which allowed the whole framework to vibrate slightly. This, according to our dealer, is what took the wobble box out right before we finished up last season. We couldn't tell they were bad until we had them out. Hope this clears up what I was trying (not very well) to ask about.