I am not certain on the differences, but We do own a case-ih 1052 and a Macdon 972. Back when these first were introduced there were three different widths of the center belt. Two different beaters on the Maxi-float; Auger with serrated kicker, and Auger with retractable fingers. For whatever reason Case always bought the maxi-float adapter with the small center belt, that way it would go on the 66's series combines. Stupid in my mind, the first 8010 that I seen in my country had a 36 ft Case-IH version of the MacDon with the middle size center throat. Which with its wide feeder house there is no reason it should not of had the I believe 54" center canvas, Same as a JD would have. If I was buying the MacDon header I would get one thru Mac Don because there are quite a few options that they know how to cater to. One thing I can think of is lagging on the rolls. Gives superior traction to rollers. When we bougth are first head it was the Case-IH 1052 and I believe the dealer only had 3 options.