
In Reply to: 12 posted by Dave on July 22, 2003 at 17:34:08: we drop our edibles out of the hopper on to a conveyor,we got a local welder_fixit guy to make us a tube from under the unload auger we made mods to it so when the beans stop flowing we should be able to run our cross auger in the hopper.if things go as planned next year we can trade the R5 for an R70 or an R62 and permanently mount a convevor on it,and junk the auger


In theory the 14" auger should cause less damage because a smaller percentage of the grain would be exposed to the edge of the auger but I don't know if it would make enough difference in your situation. Just went through my first wheat harvest with a 14" auger on an R72. It unloads exactly twice as fast as my R62 with a 12" auger. I hope to have the time and money to retrofit the big auger onto the 62 this winter. It means less time over the grain cart or sitting at the truck unloading. I am curious though about how much power it will zap in wet corn.


In theory the 14" auger should cause less damage because a smaller percentage of the grain would be exposed to the edge of the auger but I don't know if it would make enough difference in your situation. Just went through my first wheat harvest with a 14" auger on an R72. It unloads exactly twice as fast as my R62 with a 12" auger. I hope to have the time and money to retrofit the big auger onto the 62 this winter. It means less time over the grain cart or sitting at the truck unloading. I am curious though about how much power it will zap in wet corn.


we have ran the 14" it seeemed to shake less unload a lot faster and seemed to not require any more power don't know why. ran about 200000 bu corn all mositures 18-28 did wear out shock absorber though