Combines 16 rows


I think it is very close, since JD has the 32 row planter out, the 16 row head should be out soon. Just a guess.


The head may be on its way from Deere, but Deere had better be coming with a combine capable of carrying it first, because the 9860 sure can't, that would be just like hanging a 16-30 on a 9660 STS, same size machines.


I would think that at some point it would make more sense to have the head partially able to carry some of its' own weight, like a draper does with wheels.


Do you want to see some pics and videos of a 9750 running a 16-30 cornheadIJ Built it 3 years ago and have been running for 3 years now. Works great!! Have NO wieghts on rear either. So a 9860 would be even better of a machine to run a 16row.


Trust me, I believe you, I have witnessed another homemade 1630 in the field too. It simply means that your head isn't built stout enough! The reason I say this, a 9750 has an awful time lifting an 1820 cornhead (each are simliar in weight). I haven no doubt that your ground speed was also compromised in order to do a quality job during harvest.


Yes, i would like to see pictures. I much prefer a steady four miles per hour than a six mph in good standing crops and a three in poor.


Yeah 3 years, 2 tile blowouts, hours of testing flex and plowing a furrow on purpose at one end with no damage must mean that the head isn't STOUT enough. Thanks for your imput, I will change it right away!! Maybe you should see if those heads you are talking have wedge kits. If you think really hard you might wonder why I ask that question..Then you might figure why they won't lift it. Or maybe there is something wrong with the combine...pump pressure ect.


Even with a draper head, the combine has to carry the header during transport for both, short and long distances. I think it would make more sense to have the combine wheels, and preferrably tracks, up closer to the back side of the header, instead of having the header cantilevered so far forward. A long feederhouse with gradual slope is valuable for smooth feeding. Tracks help carry a lot larger headers. Perhaps front axles need to move forward to carry the larger headers.