Combines 1660 1680 info needed


You don't need a 1680 to run 3-4 mph in that kind of beans, nor do you need that size machine to push a 6-30 cornhead. Brad Bish, Harv's Farm Supply, Giltner, NE is the guy to talk to about adapting a Gleaner head to a CIH combine.


I had a 1660 and ran a 25 foot 1020 platform and 6 row cornhead. Speed in beans was usually between 2.8 and 3.4 mph depending on yield. I upgraded to the 25 foot head as I was having to drive faster than I could cut with a 20 foot head. bryon


I just traded my Gleaner M2 for a 1680 with a 25 ft flex and a 6 row corn.I wanted the added hp,larger bin and larger feeder housing.There are others in my area that run 1680s with 6 row heads without a problem and I have a combine that will run and 8 row if I ever want one.You will want a specialty rotor if you are doing many soybeans and field tracker if you ground isn't flat,a friend of mine tried putting a Gleaner A 630 on a 1460 and said that he couldn't get the ears to feed into the combine right and gave up and bought a CaseIH head.I don't think Bish lists an adapter for that setup.


What is the difference in motors and horsepower between the twoIJ


Thanks. What year did they put Fieldtracker on these combines and how much more expensive is the headIJ I'm sorta "budget challenged".


I used to run a 1660 (190hp) w_20ft 1020 and 6RN 1063. It was a high houred machine and I wanted to run quicker in beans (a 25ft head is a little to large for a 1660 especially w_green stem beans). Now I have a 1680 (91, cummins@235hp, long chaffer system, old fan) and it's really nice to have lots of capacity. I usually go 5mph or better in corn (still 6 row) and around 4 to 5 in beans depending how they are cutting. It's really been a nice setup and the 1680 was cheaper and fewer hours than the 1660. I wish I'd bought the 1680 from the beginning. Pat


I run a 25' on a 1680 without a field tracker. (they are available as an afterthought). I get along fine. I too condidered it but money was an object.


Field Tracker was offered on 1992 combines,but there are quite a older ones with it as CaseIH offered it as a kit.I don't think it will add that much to the price of a used combine and a large number of later 25ft 1020 heads are Field Tracker Equiped.Go to www.toytractorshow.com_caseinternational_axial-flow_combines.htm You will find history of combines and when they were updated.