Combines 1666 leaving corn on broken cobs


Adam, Couple of things to ask you about. What kind of moisture is the cornIJ What ground speed are you drivingIJ Is it for all kind of corn varitiesIJ Now that I have asked you these questions, here is somethings I have seen. If the cobs are soft they will break up sooner. You may need to install all of the wires in the first concave to get the thrash, before you seperate the grain. Ground speed....I have seen that driving to slow is like running a old corn sheller half empty. here is the scoop. At times you will see small cobs in the grain sample on hills because of lack of yield....You get to the low ground and cobs!!! WhyIJ Rotor cage is fuller of corn and it is shelling against itself and cleaner sample is the result. I have lowered my concaves down to the number 4 on the outside and will get excellent results with 16-18% moisture corn. Any other questions feel free to ask.....Jack in MN


Jack; you're right, I did not give you enough data. The reason for this is I have only started opening up the first field of corn(endrows only). So I have not really gotten the machine up to actual running speeds or field conditions. Usually that's all it takes to get the rig tuned up and ready to roll. My usual stats for corn are 4.5 mph with JD643 head, Rotor 350rpm, concave clearance around three. Moisture is generally 17-23%. These settings are used for "most"of my varieties of corn.Average bpa is 160-180. My whole reason for removing wires is I am probably switching to 8 row head next year and wanted to increase capacity,(although I have run 210bu 18% corn at 5.5 mph on previous settings). Also after talking to marvin He assured me I would have no problems. So at this point I am thinking about putting the wires back in concave n1. What are your thoughts jackIJ Also, in switching to 8row head I have read your posts as well as others on the air chaffer and am pretty sure I'll make that investment next year.One question I have is the holes in the high capacity inserts seem like they would be large enough to let cobs and heavier trash though. Is this a problemIJ Please give me some analysis. Thanks Adam-NC In.


Adam, To answer your question about the high capacity elements for corn is that if the cobs are going out of the machine in next to full length you will get very few cobs. I do get some cobs at times this we are about 11 inches of rain below last year....Suprising we are seeing some yields in the 130- 160 on dry land. Under irrigation I have seen up to 240 on my Yield monitor. In some fields this year with very low yields on sand hills I do see some cob breakage..but is still less then the old sieve. One other thing last week, my fan speed was slowing down and I got out to look and the "throw out" bearing just burning off the paint on the bracket..ball bearings were just about all gone. Sorry to reply late on this....I will be finished with my custom harvest tomorrow. Better than last year it took until Thanksgiving. Any other questions feel free to ask or e-mail. Jack