Combines 1680 electrical problem


Sure sounds like a gound problem, there are clean grounds at the batterys ,and grounds on left side of cab, mice may have had lunch there . Black wires behind cover on left side


Had similar problem on 1688 this year, except my digital readout would go competely out when sperator was engaged. When seperator was turned off readout would dimmly flash then finally come back on. Turned out to be the small wire on positive battery post was ever so loose. Just a quick cleaning and tightening did the trick.


No rodents and no add ons.We had the motor out last fall and this problem formed at this time.We have checked every wire and sensor on the engine.You cannot get the wires on backwards unless they are spliced.Each sensor has it own unique connector.I worked on it all day today and got nowhere.


Jake Ck your system charging voltage. I've seen high voltages causes the beepers to come on for no reason. Good luck.


Combineman: Check the clean ground and power supply wires at the battery. Also skinnbone may be on to something but also check for an undercharge condition.