Combines 1680 question


I think there is a stop that can be set to limit upward movement of the drum so as to prevent most rocks from entering the feeder. I think one should also have the stone retarder drum on the bottom of the feeder for this to work properly. It is a much heavier drum than the standard one. Without the heavy drum there is much more likelyhood of bending the slats or denting the drum. Maybe someone can add to this explaination.


Before the rock trap was added to the 1400 series, what you asked was exactly the prescribed way to limit rocks. you need the rock drum on the bottom as Marv mentioned and it really works pretty well for anything fist size and up.Drawbacks include shelling corn and breaking cobs as well as limiting intake to some extent as the feeder house will stop before you plug the rotor...


Dirt Farmer, I'd just add to make sure your throat clutch is not froze. Back off the springs and make it slip.