Combines 1680 shaker questions for SDman or others


part number on cast iron shaker pivot supports is 352013A1; depending on whether they've made some changes or not, the last number could be a 2 or a 3, but probably not. This part number will include the needle bearings and seals in the support. Yes, this part will fit your 1680, but you'll have to drill two 1_2" holes in each side of your machine so you can properly bolt the thing up. This will be no small task, but I've done it on a couple machines. It is well worth the work and cussing it'll take to drill those holes.


Some of this may apply to the older machines. First, check with your dealer on a TSB that describes a "squaring procedure" for the cleaning system.If its not square with the machine, it doesn't last as long. Bushings can look good on the outside and be shredded inside-inspect carefully. If you replace any bushings, tighten with the sieve in mid stroke, they only rotate 7 degrees each way. Check the side sheets carefully for evidence of the hangers hitting them at the end of stroke-if they are banging the side sheet, check the cleaning system very carefully for alignment and the main drive hangers for cracks-they have to be removed and look at the back side of the U-channel, the cracks can be hard to see. There should also be a new cast drive hub for the cleaning system that fits tighter and smooths out the sieve cycle. Good luck