Combines 1680 Shoe drive slippingIJIJIJ


How do you handle 30% cornIJ I can't get 25% corn to come out of wagons or trucks. Why do you cut so wetIJJust curious. Tim


How do you handle 30% cornIJ I can't get 25% corn to come out of wagons or trucks. Why do you cut so wetIJJust curious. Tim


The local feedlot likes it wet. They actually give you a .07 cent premium if it's over 30% and .05 cent if it's between 28%-30%. They will dock you .05 cents if it's under 24%. We have no problem getting it out of trucks, grain carts, etc. Just takes a little longer to unload. We also run a 2388 and it has no problems but I just got this 1680 this year and am having this problem.


I had the same problem when I had a 1660 and found out that the elevator was running on the slow sprocket, but this combine only had one sprocket on it, not the double that most others have. The fan would fill up with corn because it was getting backed up at the shoe auger and the clen grain elevator. Put faster sprocket on and toured for the rest of the fall.


Think you might be on the right track with the belt. Have you checked all the pulleys for wear. Many times I find that the pulleys are worn allowing the belt to bottom out or not contact the complete side. Once the belt slips you have real problems. Have also seen crop dust cause this problem. Try pouring some water over the belt while it is running. Be careful so you don't lose any body parts your are particulairly attached to. Cleans the dust off and not a hard on the belt or as dangerous as using either. Might also check the pulley for crop material buildup.


It has been my experience that the shoe sieve is closed to tight, and corn is sloughing over the front of the shoe into the fan housing. You might open it up. The hex belt spring tension has a pipe over it. I removed the pipe and sawed about an inch off of it and reinstalled it. Then you can tighten it up a little at a time until it stops slipping. This works on all the belt tensioners. Good luck


First I would check the pullys to see if they are in good shape or worn. You might want to re-check your belt tension just in case. last but not least, try opening your shoe a little more, sounds like it's getting overloaded. Good luck.


Since nobody's asked, how's your slip clutchIJ Is it in good shape with proper spring tensionIJ


What year is the 1680IJ If it is a 1992 with the long cleaning system it will have the crossflow fan and the three section adjustable chaffer in it. The front section MUST be closed more than the middle section (not over 1_2" open) or the volume of grain falling through the chaffer will over load the lower sieve and fill the cleaning fan housing with grain. The cleaning system slip clutch will go off if the lower sieve is too tight. In high yield high moisture corn over 30% capacity increases when you take the lower sieve out of the combine.You should have 1-5_8 chaffer sieve and a 1-5_8 lower sieve for these conditions. What sieves are in the 1680 versus the 2388IJ