Combines 1680 unloading problems Need Help


Ok, when you replaced the vertical auger, did you time it rightIJ When you said horizontal auger(s) I assume you mean the small cross augers, but maybe the plural s was a typo and you ment the large horizontal unload auger. Anyway, there are a couple braces that hold the vertical auger housing in place. They bolt the housing and then to the superstructure. There are 2 of them, make sure they are there and tight. Next I am thinking you might have the augers out of time at the 90 degree gearbox. Also check the end bearing out at the tip of the large horizontal auger. There is also a stiffener brace that bolts to the plate that holds the main drive sprocket and bearing. Make sure that brace is there and in good shape. I hope there's something there that you can use.


I would tend to agree with pokey check timming of aurgers in elbow I had this problem on previous 1680 found that the rear cross aurger flight was colapsed but you said you changed those aurgers if I read your post right good luck!!!


Have you checked the bearings on the bevel gears at the bottom, they could be taking too much driving. Also I agree with Old Pokey to check the timing at the "divers helmet" I have had to replace both gearboxes before and would say disconect the turret auger from the tank augers and run it by hand to see if it is free enough, then run it on its own , next do the same with the two augers(with the tank empty). All should be free enough to turn by hand with the drive pulley. This should isolate the problem, and I hope it helps.


I had the same problem on my 1660. The problem was that the boot at the bottome of the vertical unloading auger ( the one with the clean out door) was rusted halfway through and when i unloaded that boot gave a little which caused the chain to get some slack in it and jump teeth.


Every time we've had this problem it has always been caused by the augers in the bottom of the grain tank being worn out. I'm not sure if these are the ones you mean by horizontal augers but if it is, you might need to close the auger covers down some more.


We have not replaced the 2 delivery augers in the grain tank itself. We have replaced the verticle and the two section unloading auger that swings out. The back delivery auger is the one that the chain will slip on. We have that chain TIGHT! and it still will jump on the teeth sometimes. It's like the delivery augers bring more grain than the verticle unloading auger can carry away. We have got the covers closed on the back and front that the grain will not slide off the back of the tank. The twisting of the verticle tube sounds like a problem , we examined ours and could not find any evidence of the tube twisting. Thanks to all that responded. Your help and knowledge is apprecated.


If you have not replaced the delivery augers they are most likely your problem. What happens is the last foot or so of flighting before the auger enter the doghouse gets worn out. The rest of the auger will push more grain to that section than it can actually put into the vertical auger. I've had this happen several times and replacing these augers or reflighting the last couple feet has AlWAYS cured the problem and stopped the chain jumping.


We replaced the delivery augers in the grain tank and that fixed our problem. Runs better than ever. Thanks to all!!!