Combines 1680 vs 2188


This is a lively debate. So far from what i'm hearing is 1680 is just as good or better than the 2188 except for the cab.Maybe alittle money spend on mine I'd be better off keeping my 1680.What else do you'all like about 1680 rather that 2188IJIJ.


You can imagine it would be a lively debate. I guess I will add that if you are satisfied with the performance of your 1680, and it is reliable, then you pretty much have to be allowed to demo the 2188 you are thinking about. Every machine that leaves the assembly line is going to be different in some way. Some machines never do a good job threshing or seperating. You can adjust them all you want but they still wont do a good job. Others will do everything you want just about perfect. Its all in the tooling tolerances allowed at the factory. If you cant demo or rent the other machine for a good while, then be prepared for the worse. If you do rent or demo the other machine for a period of time and like the job it does better, then I think you know what you have to do.


I have a couple of questions How do you check your hydro drive psiIJ Do you leave the engine at idle while checking it or do you have it reved outIJ If you want to increase your pressure how would you do thatIJ I have a 2388 what would be the high end of my hydro drive pressure if I would want to increase itIJ Thanks


Well to start with, I think your attack on farm kid 2 is unnessisary. He's a lot smarter than you give him credit for. And second, just because your machine came in under pressured, does'nt mean everybody elses is. If your engine does'nt have the horsepower to start with, turning up the pressure is'nt going to give it any more. I would much rather have my hydro bypass than blow it up. If you're pulling up a hill with a full hopper and your hydro bypasses, next ime you pull it shift to a lower gear. Volume is just as important as pressure.


I really like my 1680 it's done everything i've ask it to do. There only problem i have i can't figure out and that is the cab shakes at a perticular speed between 3 and 4 mph. I notice the cab shakes but the combine itself does't. It's got to be in the drive tires.Any clues to what is causeing this.


Yep, ours will do that to. We are running 30.5x32 good year diamond tread tires. It just does it when the machine is empy and on hard ground. The 2388 that we run with occasionaly has the same problem. He is running a tall bar lug tractor tire in the rear. As you already know, the cab is mounted on rubber. Something worth checking is the condition of the rubber mounts. The biggest reason it feels so extreme is because the cab is so far above the axle centerline. Its kind of like running a new holland hay stacker. Sitting way out over the front axle amplifies every movement the the axle makes. My email address is posted at the top, if you would be interested in pictures of what I've done to our 1680 I'd be happy to send you some.


looking to buy another machine. thinking of 2188, but not hearing good things. currently have 1688, good machine. Maybe go back to deere for 9610. Any comparisons between 9610 and 2188IJ


Straw walkersIJIJIJIJIJ.....need I say more. If you trade your 1688 for a 9610 you should get cash to boot. No doubt about it the 1688's are very good combines. But don't let these negative posts scare you off the 2188,I've had very good luck with them. It's not perfect but what combine is.


Yes! I forgot about the backassward header switch. that took a week or so so did being able to see the unloading auger out of the window.The only other thing I forgot to metion is that both of my 2188's are lacking the fold down rear window and cleaing the back glass is just about impossible.


I saw something on the 2188 i really like was the little wipes on the chains and i think they are oiler to i didn't get a real good look. I wonder if i could put that on my 1680.