You made a good choice in buying a 1680. I currently own a 1680 short sieve with 3700 engine hours on it. This has been an excellent machine, it has a cummins engine in it. lots of power and excellent fuel economy, it has been running along side my other combine a 2188 for the past 7 years. Not much differance in capacity either, a big difference in fuel consumption, 2188 stops for fuel after 10 hours and the 1680 runs an extra 4 hours. The 1680 is the most balance axil flow built, and I had them all. A 1440, 1480, 1680, and a 2188. We have logged over 10,000 hours in axil flows in the last 25 years. Just rebushing your sieves every 1500 engine hours and your 1680 will treat you fine. Good luck