First thing is to find out where the chaff is coming from. Suggest blocking the front of the chaffer. Use a piece of cardboard about 10" to 12" in width, long enough to double over for some strength, and wire it on to the top side of the chaffer at the very front. Explanation -- as trash falls on to the chaffer, more trash follows adding weight, and chaff is likely being forced thru in front of the sieve and into the clean grain by weight and shoe shake. The chaffer is likely already partially blocked by this trash, prbably by uneven air blast across the front of the chaffer which precludes ability to lift chaff up and to the rear. If this relieves most of the problem, I'd leave the cardboard in place. If cleaning on the chaffer is improved, you will actually increase your capacity since you'll probably be able to run the chaffer and sieve with wider openings, and the air will be better distributed. Reason for cardboard is that it's flexible and still allows adjustment. If this doesn't help, the chaff has to be coming from elsewhere. I'd recommend an airfoil chaffer, as well. One of these will provide more lift by directing the air straight up. Also, occasionally, dealers will install metal plates over the fingers which project off the rear of the grain pan -- these will move trash back further, but the same problem remains. If you have these installed remove them. The cardboard is much more effective. Hope this is clearer than mud.