Combines 1981 F2 diesel Starting problems Help


Are you using a volt meter to determine where there is or isnt voltageIJ The one I use is a Fluke model 12 that allows me to record minimum and maximum voltage when activating the key switch etc. I dont use the min_max feature when there is someone available to help but it is very useful when working alone. Cost was well under $100.


Tom is right you may be getting volts but no amps. Also you know the starting curcuit goes through the safety switch connected to the gearshift. This is a major area to check as it presents many problems and is hidden. Check for pass through current here. Fianlly Take the wire off that goes to the the solenoid and have someone hold the key to crank, VERY quickly try arcing the end to any metal that is grounded. I bet you have no current or voltage to the wire. Start back tracking, it is the only way to troubleshoot.


I looked for a safety switch on the gear shifts, couldn't find anything. Which gear shift is it located onIJ The hydro or the one of the two gear range shiftersIJ I did see a safety switch of some kind, but it is by the seperator lever. Any ideasIJ Thanks.


on the hydro there is a START position on the gearshift for 1st. Push it forward as in reverse on a manual . The std shift you have to push it to the outside in neutral. It will contact a micro switch. look in op manual for wiring sketch. Sometimes folks have bypassed the switch, look for wires twisted together.