Combines 2 1999 R 72 s for sale


I live in MN, knowing which state you live in would be helpful. My email host is down right now. Just got back from an auction in litchfield, MN. A 1994 S_N R6263294A from Saskatchuan Canada setup for cereal grain, no feeder drum shocks. The high bid was $26,000, a man in the auctioneer's truck shook his head no, they moved to the next item on the line.


did up see what that 8670 new holland brought.3600 hrs. and MFD


Hey ahbecalm, give me a hit back to my email and will visit with you more


No I didn't watch the 8670. I watched the 8970 with 3523 hrs 18.4x46 rear tires. The wear on the draw bar looked to me like the tach was original $46,500. I missed the price on the other 8970 the tach showed 1931 hrs., the draw bar and three point lift arms looked like 6500 or more hours. The 8970 we bought last year ($52,000) had less than 2000 on the tach but more than 6000 on the draw bar. Now we're seeing age related problems of the 6000 plus range, like brakes that leak down over night, remote hydraulics that leak down. My older brothers bought that one. I look at draw bars and three point lift arms to see the tractor's age.