Combines 2003 9650STS


We had a 6 row head we used on a 9500 with single wheels, then two years ago, updated to a 97 9500 with duals and had to go to an 8 row. The tires stick outside the head and if the rows were not planted perfect, crop would get trampled. This fall we updated again to a 9650STS with duals and the wheel base was the same as the 9500. So I'd say you'll need atleast an 8 row.


I can run singles on the front of the combine though. I know we will really have to push the machine to keep it full, but right now the pocket book says we dont need to buy a new 8 row head. THat will come in 2004 when we trade to a 16 row planter. I always hate the thought of shelling corn with an off row header.....and i have shelled 6 rows planted with an 8 row planter. What year model combine did yall get and what are some of the thing to look for and wear points. I like the 9500 we have now, but we just want more power in beans, and the ability to chop the straw up finer in 80 bpa wheat.


We ran 8 and 12 row corn heads side by side this year. And believe it or not, the 12 row put more bu_h through the machine. We just couldn't go fast enough with the eight row for power reasons. Speed seems to take a lot of power. We shelled 256.000 bu of WET corn in NINE days with two twelve rows. You can't even come close with 8rows. I bet that you can shell more corn per day with a 9610 on a 12 row than you could with an STS pushing an 8row and you will save a lot of money by doing so. So why in the world would you want a 6row on an STSIJ


256,000 Bushels - 9 Days - 2 Combines What did you do in the afternoon then if that is all you got done that is unless the corn didn't yeild very well, a friend of mine combined 486,000 bushels of wet corn in 2 weeks (14 days)with (1) 9750 STS and a 12 row corn head now that is impressive, corn yielded on average 145-165 bpa


It must be nice to harvest that much corn in that amount of time and having the trucks to take it away and not have to sit and wait all day in the fields..Here with 2 combines on a good day we could harvest maybe a 100 acres ... Have to truck the corn almost an hour away and sometimes farther


I have a friend that has a 9750sts and with 4 1000bu trucks and 1 or 2 carts(not for sure)and pushing 12row 22inch corn head averages 160 acres of 190+bpa corn per day.All under sprinklers but circles have to be close together or he doesnt have time to move.


Of course we picked corn in the afternoon - but not in the morning. And we took the Sunday off, that fell into the nine days. I hope your friend is still alive. ... just joking.


Know what you mean about the off row, all we shell is planted with a six row. We will look for an 8 row planter for us shortly, but the custom customers will still have sixes. As long as the spacing doesn't get too wide its not bad. Our 9650STS is an 01. This was our first STS and we were really pleased. We too liked our 9500, but a deal came up where we got a good trade value and we feared the value would greatly decline in the coming years on the 00 series now that they went through the 10 and now have the 50 series. We were not sure about the STS but people we talked to all said they would not go back to cylinder after using the STS. Now after our first fall with it, we say the same. We too went with the 9650 to get the extra power. We haven't had it long enough to know all the wear points and such, but will get into it during the off season and see what toll has been taken.


that's impresive, when I was driving a custom corn combine out in kansas, we could only get 130 acres a day with 2 9600 and 8 rows, only one grain cart and wet corn, we didn't usually have to wait for the trucks, the corn was crappy too,