Well, after a slow and delayed start it didn't go too bad I guess. My TR86 hyd pump somehow lost an internal spring which ate up the housing pretty bad. Got it rebuilt with some new parts for about $400. Then 3_4 of the way done with beans the lateral tilt started acting up, no time to stop to fix it. Had one of the reel adj. bolts break and the reel hit the auger, broke several plastic bushings and bent some of the diamond shaped holders. Found out our head has been swapped to a CFC (IJ) pipe reel! luckily it rained an hour later and we lost little cutting time. Had to shut off the electronic stone trap cause my feeder house chain kept touching it, to the end of adj and didn't have anytime to take out a link. Was smooth sailing with beans really. Got into corn and had a bearing on the clean grain elevator go out which was letting the rattle clutch slip. Easy fix but every now and then in wetter corn it would slip before completely filling the hopper extension. Probably a good thing though, those gearboxes are salty. Only other problem besides all the rain every third day was on the very last day when I turned on the lights and the lower header lights, grain tank, auger and rear ones all went out. Upper cab and all interior worked fine. Kinda sucks filling a truck having to use a spot light to see it! Any ideas what happened thereIJ Not gonna even start on the problems with our TR95! But our crops were excellent. 797 acres of beans averaged 46 bpa including 100 acres of double crop after barley planted on July 3. Those made 22 bpa. And those would have been near 40 if we didn't get that one early frost. Highest were 65 bpa! Simply the best ever! All dryland too. 750 acres of dryland corn averaged 145 bpa dry. Most came off at under 20%. Highest was 227 bpa. Most of what we farm is sand with a bit of clay and muck.