No problem mounting an 8 row but will have headaches in a wet year. A grain cart would be mandatory with 8 rows and thats what makes the mess. Its actually faster making full rounds with a 6 row than making partially rounds with an 8 and waiting for the cart. Just something to think about.
plastic is lighter by itself, but then you have to support it with steel so it won't won't disfigure. gearboxes are cast not aluminum. framing is heavier.
Someone told us that our 2344 Case IH could handle an 8row cornhead but we thought that might be alittle to much for it so we are going to get an 6 row corn head cause that is what would fit it best. I would say a 2166 could handle it if a 2344 could.
We add some weights to the rear axle to make it a little more stable, but capacity is good on the 2366 we have. we ran it on 1660 before also.I have a 983 header in pretty good condition that i would like to sell if you are interested. $5750 417-232-4837 SW Missouri