Combines 2188 fuel problem


you might check your fuel tank, sounds like to me you have something floating around in it and shutting the fuel off. when it sets i floats away from it


sounds like your electric pump is getting weak put a fuel pressure gauge between it and injector pump and run enough line so you can mount it close to the cab where you can watch it, also could be trash in tank or screen in tankIJ older machines have a removable screen in tank. also check lines between tank and first filter i once had a single soybean restrict flow at fitting going into electric pump. good luck


I had the same problem last fall. Went through many things until I found the bean fuzz in the fuel line going into the first filter body (after tank). lessonIJ take lines loose to see if fuel is free flowing


I found that in one case was that the fuel tank breather vent would plug with chaff


Weaverism, Take a coathanger and fish the suction line out of the fill hole. Disconect line from tank at the water_sep and blow backward with compressed air. Hold a rag over the tank end to catch what's in it. I've had thin plastic from the molding process in ours. Hope this helps.


A majority of the service calls I have been on for this problem has been a plugged fuel tank vent. Blow some compressed air through this tube.It may take some effort if never been cleaned.I have found that a nylon stocking over fuel cap helps keep junk from getting into fuel tank when removing.