Combines 2206 cornhead


Doug.I have the same problem with a 2206 on a 2188.Dealer was no help.Solved the problem by bolting a heavy piece of belting to the upper face of the feeder house and letting it hang down between the front drum of the feeder house and header cross auger.Do not cover more than about 1_3 of the front drum so that it does not interfere with feeding.Just installed it this morning and so far it has worked great.Keep the front drum in the up or highest position.Good luck!


Doug,Just reread your Question and realized my answer would not stop the shelling, but it does keep the shelled corn from being thrown out over the header and lost out front or through the stalk rolls.I did raise my cross auger up very high and back to keep the ears whole.let us know what you find that works. Thanks


Make sure your corn head deck plates set at a 23 degree angle when the skid plate at the front of the row unit just touches the ground. Also have your dealer show you the service bulletin on the incorrecctly mounted reverse auger flighting to see if you have one of these heads


The 2200 headers were designed for a New Holland with a whole different face angle. The shelling is from the dead spot in the middle, you also will have a lot more FM than normal. I traded and switched to a green head. I think what would help would be to put the triangle piece in the auger bead that is on a NH head to inprove the flow into throut good luck.