Combines 2388 engine air cieaner problems


Dakota, Are you talking about the 2003 2388sIJ There is an update that addresses the fiter and radiater plugging. I have installed it on one of mine and it looks like it will help. K.A.


I haven't heard about the air-intake update. Have you got any numbersIJ I have one 2003 and one 2002, 2388. Thanks, Dakota


haveyou checked your rotary air sreen brushIJ have you cleaned out the inside compartment of the strato tubesIJ must dos!!! mod will help with carry over but its for the air screen on the side not the back which i think you have


Dakota, The update that I'm talking about is for the 2003 2388 and that would be with the rotor screan on the side not on the back. The part number is 87423308. A sure way to tell if your machine has the up date or not is if the dust chute that comes off the rotor screan is made so the dust falls on the outside of combine side shield. If the dust falls on the inside of the combine side shield it needs to be changed. I had problems with corn husks plugging up that chute and stopping the rotor screen and then plugging everything up. Along with moving the dust chute to the outside of the combine shield the update encludes two seals, several clamps, reroutes some hydraulic lines, and also makes some adjustments on the rotor screen door latch. My door actually came open several times because the latch was never adjusted properly from the factory. It does not take long for things to get dirty in there when that door comes open.


have installed with mixed results i am sure there is another update coming.


Our dealer put the update kit on our machine complete with the new finer holed rotary screen. We still get way too much fine dust in our engine air filter. On bad days it plugs in a few hours. I think the aspirator doesn't have enough suction. There was even fine bean dust in the tube from the muffler to the air cleaner when I took it apart to check the check valve. I think that the muffler is not engineered right!