Combines 2800 bushel an hour corn


Good point, very dangerous occupation stabbing at outputs. But if we shouting about big numbers, an STS has been spotted doing 50+ ton _ hour of wheat in a maritime climate i.e. lots of straw. Power .....


17.5 acres_hour in 160 bu. corn. Have to drive at least 4.8 mph and not ever stop nor turn around, meaning you will have to drive much faster than this to achieve the same result. And this of course means head loss which no one seems to believe occurs dramatically over 4 mph no matter how many rows you are taking. Even so, it is a corn hog no matter how you figure...


just thought I would coment on what we were doing shelling corn witha 9500 with a 6 row head. We were shelling 1800 bushel in 1 hour. This was catching on the go in 1.5 acre rounds. The corn was making 215 testing 21% and test wt at 60-61. So far we have average 185 on our corn in west KY. Until this year we had 2 grain trucks that held 420 bushel. last fall we traded for 2 new 34 ft wheeler hopper bottoms. P.S I believe that the 9750 with a 12 row head could shell more bushels than that if I can do 1800 in an hour running only 3.1 mph.


Great remark! I think it is hilarious that JD makes those remarks about output, but never mention the really important factor, which is quality. Sorry boys, but a machine can harvest 1 million bushels per acre and if I can't sell my crop do to quality it's not making me any money. Some people may argue with me about this, but I have demoed the 9750 and was not terrible impressed with its grain quality.