Combines 3rd day with 8010


Sorry to hear of the passing away of your father. I hope eveything works out for you with the problems you had with that 8010 but that is now probably put on the back burner till your father is laid to rest.


Very sorry to hear of your loss. I know he will be missed. Sometimes when we work with our Dads all our life we think they will always be there. I guess they really will be as you just remembered what he told you about cutting beans. I hope the rest of your harvest is safe and things work good for you and your family. Take care. If there is anything we can help you with, just ask.


My deepest sympathy to you about your father. I am sure he will be missed greatly. I know that for as many times as my father and I butt heads about how we are going to do things, I would not really want to do this without him. He is the one that took me to work with him starting as young as I can remember, teaching me about farming and life the whole time. Where would I have been without him, I will never know. What I do know is that farming, unlike many other professions, is VERY family oriented. Our fathers have a huge role in our lives and our work and bless them for that. May your fathers memory live on forever!


Sorry to hear about your father.lost mine a few years ago.left a big void but he raised me to handle lifes problems as I'm sure yours did. I'm sure he will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Good luck with harvest, hope your 8010 holds together now. Tim


Sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. Our family will keep your family in our prayers.


Our prayers are with you, one day I'll be in your shoes dad an I but heads like 2 bulls when it gets bad I just remind myself one day these arguments will make good stories, he's at the farm now waiting on Hurricane Rita so he can get in his truck an ride around I'm waiting to see him in his truck on the weather channel that's just the way he is! Good luck on the rest of your harvest from us here in Southwest louisiana!!


Deepest sympathys from the silver side of town, so sorry to hear that news. Never like hearing that type of thing, specially us guys who see our fathers getting older. We sometimes take them for granted and wish they were up to speed like they were in our youth. I hope this day never comes to me. Again so sorry.