Your 62 was built the same year as our 52. We run a "hybrid" rotor - as shown on the Hyper Mods website. We have 8 rows over the concave and 4 rows in the separator section. As others have stated, 4 rows works well for corn and beans, but I was concerned with getting good thresh in small grains and tough straw - that's why we left 8 rows over the concave. I also think that by only having 4 rows in sep. area, this allows more area for the straw to be tripped up by the concave bar in the belly of separator and releases more trapped grain. Works sort of along the same lines as the hi-lo bar setup. Your machine was probably set up the same as ours - low wire concaves and 1_2" rasps on the bars. You may reduce grain damage by switching to the newer high wire concaves and 3_4" rasp bars. I think the old setup was too aggressive on the concave and the bars were not aggressive enough. The newer setup kind of reverses this - the concaves are less aggressive while rasp bars are more so. Also, the 3_4" rasps will allow kernels between the rasps without damaging them.