Combines 400 head vibration


Try installing a fly wheel on the wobble box and on the drive shaft near the left hand end of the header. For info go to "Hyper Mods _ Misc. Mods _ Heddy's Hyper Mods" by Rolf Hedt. It works well! Cheers.


There are about five different size pulleys to drive that wobble box from that start of them style drives in the 300 to today in the 7000 and 8000s. If vibration goes away while idleing machine back some from rated load (2300 on R60)you may get by with next smaller pulley. If vibration gets worse you may want to get the largest pulley if that isn't what it allready has. I think ROMs flywheel idea would be best but I haven't went that far yet. Rigid heads these days have a flywheel on rear shaft but I think they would smoothen out even more with flywheel right on the wobble box. Good luck


Your vibes may come from double idler on the wobble box belt. The bushing that holds these wears and the idlers vibrate causing other vibes. I also put the small pulley on drive shaft since I run only 6.5 at max most of the time. It slowed wobble box down. These two things will smooth out the header and make you wobble last longer.