Combines 4400 Ready For Maiden Voyage I THINK IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ


Red (just some more thoughts) Is 4,000 enough if someone slams into you and bellars.."YOUR FAUlT!"IJ I was thinking that maybe there's some kind of a short term policy that an insurer could provide. Or....You could up the anny on your current insurance for the day and then redrop it after the voyage. I know that seems like a hell of alot of work for no longer than it's going to take but I've seen the way the crazies drive here in kansas and I'd bet dollars to nickels in your end of the world it's not much different. It only takes one knucklehead to smack that combine and ruin your life as you know it. $100,000 would be a safer figure for me. That way your covered if they think they broke their neck and are going to chiropracters and back specialist and shrinks for the next 2 years along with court dates trying to soak you for what your worth and then some. You do what you think is best. You know the route and the terrain and what your up against. I don't. I'm just offering some info that maybe you didn't think of to protect yourself from John Q. Public. Good luck friend. I pray you don't have any breakdowns half way home.....But if you do, send pictures.............. ;-) Deerebines


Thanks. The $4,000 I was referring to was the value I placed on the 4400. My auto policies have HUGE coverage. I'll see if one of those apply. I'll be in the office tomorrow so I will wonder over and see my insurance agent.


Since my post a few minutes ago I called my insurance agent. My farm policy covers me with $500,000 of coverage for either property damage or injury while driving the combine. Glad you asked the question. I would go bring it home today but it is snowing off and on in Indy and the cab heater blower is dead. Suppose to be in the 60s by Thursday.


the red, check all the main counter shafts if you can run it and feel the bearings and make sure pulleys don't have play in them as i have found out on are 6601 piece of $!--"{}{{. other than that it sounds good put the dang hammer down. JDgreen-