I think the 4425, and the F2 are about comparable in size. Now quality is a whole different story! The F2 Gleaner is a pretty decent combine. The 4425 and 35, are without a doubt the biggest PIECES OF JUNK that John Deere ever stuck the American farmer with. My college roomate's father had one of those things, and it spent more time in the shop than it did in the field. He hated it so bad from day one, that he called the dealer to see if he could get the old 4400 he traded for it back! Unfortunately for him, it had already been sold. It would take a legal pad to go through all the things that went wrong with it, but it was a scrap heap on wheels as far as he was concerned. He kept it a couple of years before he decided he had had enough, and traded it on a Case IH. When he traded it he basically had to give it to the Case dealer, because nobody wants one of the sorry things. You almost can't give one of them away. I was at an auction earlier this year, where they sold a 4425, and the 915 flex, and the 443 corn head off it brought more than the combine did.