Combines 485 Macdon


where are you located in ks. i know for a fact that foley has signed on to be an agco dealer but dont know about the lexion line. i know the 485 will do what both of your 9610's were doing with no problem. esp. with the 972 on the front end. wow what a header, demoed a few of them last year and was more than impressed with how the macdon increases the performance of an already high performance machine. was in the field out in western neb. last summer with a 36' in 90 bu irrigated wheat and we were running 6 mph and not losing anything out the back. the only concern i would have would be who will your dealer be. i know a lot of the cat dealers are balking at the terms that claas is wanting. could be a very tough road to hoe for them. check out the augers on the machine 1st and foremost. we have had surprisingly good luck with the machines up here in ne., a few minor sensor problems and so on. email me if you want to talk a little more


Why do you want to run a rowheadIJ It takes only 8 rows and will not be able to fill a 480. We are cutting milo with the MacDons taking 14 rows at a time.


Maybe I was not clear on my message. I'm trying to change over from pushing the 8-row rowcrop head and trying to get information on how well the MacDon 972 works in milo, specifically downed milo. Do you have any thoughtsIJ What combine do you use on your MacDonIJ And, how fast can you go through the field with your MacDon cutting miloIJ


We had STS's last year and went about 4.5 mph in milo with the 962 MacDon. The STS doesn't do a very good job with the round bar concave in milo. I could have gone faster, but it is tricky with the bat reel not to loose to many milo heads. They tend to either fall of the cutter bar or get flicked over by the reel. You will probably do a lot better with a finger reel. I wouldn't be a bit worried about down milo if I had a finger reel. You can surely shave the ground with a MacDon. With a finger reel you will also be able to rake it in. The year before we had 9610s still on the row heads. The milo stalks were still green and we had all kinds of feeding problems. I am sure it would have been a lot better with MacDons. This year we're going to run CATs with the MacDons. Our row heads are traded off. We cut soybeans with them draper heads, too and it works great.


We use a Honeybee with a HC pickup reel and in down sorghum I have found it to do an outstanding job in picking up fallen heads,far better than a conv. head. john