Combines 600 series platforms


It allows the auger to feed more smoothly into the feederhouse. When they "wrapped" around the auger, it would feed one side, then across the auger, and if you think about it, that's not at all what you want to do, so they changed it.


I was at a combine clinic sponsored by the local dealer Tuesday night. A Deere Rep explained some of the problems in putting a 600 series on older combines. The front of the combine needs to be modified to even mate with the 600 series head. Other issues involve ContourMaster, Drive, Hydraulic and electrical connections. Also if you change the combine's throat to pick up the 600 series head there may be problems with the other heads that you may already own. I believe he quoted that in a worst case scenario these additonal costs might approach $5000, this would be on top of the price for the 600 series head itself.