One thing to remember, 140bpa 4-38 usually is 150-155bpa 6-30 corn. I had an M2 that had problems with a 6-30 because of higher yielding corn. You will need to put fluid in the steering tires to balance the 6-30 on the F. And you will be setting stakes to see movement with the 6-30. An F will handle it but it won't be fast. The F's that they used at the FPS always ran 4-30's from 8 or 12 row planters and they raced across the field. The l's ran normally 6-30 and sometimes 8-30 and the rotaries ran 8 or 12 row heads to maintain good threshing and ground speed. I would highly consider a 4-30 for the grain tank size and if you get any length to your rows. Good luck!