It doesn't sound like "statboy" has his stats right..I have run and owned row heads since '77. I have never seen nor heard of any gathering belt breaking, wear out till they are too loose to stay on maybe. The speed advantage is not to the table..rather to the row head which can be set up to run as fast as your machine can eat the material. 7720 can run an 8-30's wide open in third which is about 7 mph. Best advantage to the row head is the head loss, or rather lack of it. Usually never can count an actual loss of more than .5 BPA. Try to get within three bpa of that in these dry beans we have had with a table. 'Course if you have drilled beans, you get to watch those suckers fly off all day long whether you like it or not. Some guys put them on other brands of machines but without the variable feeder house it is a bear when you slow down, pulls out the plants roots and all. Can buy a nice 653A for about 1500 bucks and get it up in good shape for about 2 grand more. If you want to know more , reply to this and I will tell you more than you can digest in one setting.