My dealer 2 years ago didn't have much of a choice for parts, only one supplier at that time for the proper bearings for my engine. But the engine is identical to the AC8000 engines with two oil sumps. I had 3100 hrs before I cracked mine open and it was still in good condition. The bearing showed some minor wear but the bolts measured out to the replacements, so they didn't have the noted stretch. I do have the Ambac system so it was already slowed down. The 670I crank in the N5 weren't known for trouble, the N6 with the extra 200 rpms had most of the troubles. And here in the Midwest, Cummins seems to be the choice for repower, but the Cummins repower costs equal to 2 good shape 670I complete Overhauls. Unless you open it up and find many problems I would keep the 670I. Dealer looked mine over while in it and figured I would go over 6000 hours before major was needed. I have 2 AC8000 series with the 670 and both went over 5000 before OH and both had nozzles that created the OH. I bought both fresh out of overhaul.