Combines 73c Flexhead help


I twisted the PTO shaft off this fall on my 973 cutting yellow mustard when the chain broke and piled up.The sqare tubing the shaft slides in twisted up at the U-joint and I was able to cut it off and pull the rest out of the U-joint and weld it back in.It will be shorter but it doesn't have to move much when connected.


I know on the newest heads there is a rubber dampener on the left shaft. check it out it is just to the left of the slip clutch, if you have it. if that's the problem you have to replace the whole shaft. Good luck!!


Yes I looked at it better today and went to the dealer and your right it broke next to the rubber dampener. Dealer ordered one today but it's back ordered, have one on Thursday they say. That will work out because we got more rain today and will have rain tomorrow. He will fix it for free and pay for the shaft($425). If I had to buy it I think I would of tried to weld it, not much to lose. Not sure why they put the dampener on the left side, looked at parts book and only 30' head has it. looks like you could buy the right side shaft and it would work also on the leftIJ But I will let the dealer fix this one. Not sure why it brokeIJ Ilnh


We had to change that shaft on our 973 because a bad bearing chewed up the far left side. The replacement shaft from New Holland had no dampener and it has been running fine for 2 seasons. The shaft on the right is a different length so I know they did not simply send us a right hand shaft instead of the proper one. So the dampener may not be so important