Combines 73x44 00 32 drive tiresIJ


We have that combination on a 1680 and are extremely pleased. Of course, it's a lot lighter machine than the 9750. The width of the tires will depend on if frame extensions were used and if the rims are dished out. I would think that ours are atleast as wide as duals, so you could be in trouble with an 8 row head. We primarily run wheat, milo, and beans. Stubble damage has not been an issue yet, but if you have a lot of corn you would probably be better off with large duals on the front. As for the rear, I think the 28l26 is the very best tire size, especially the radial version.


I just got a new Cat 450 lexion with these tires. I have not used them in the field yet, but I like the way they look on the combine. On the Cat they are not quite as wide as duals so I will run a 8-30 head with plenty of clearance. Talked to people who run duals and single floaters and they like the single floaters better, less rutting. The 73-44x32 are bigger diam. than the 66-50x32 goodyears that Deere offers. Drawbacks are the 73's are running on a corn row and the dual set-up are wider making the machine more stable with wide heads. Don't know how important this is now since most new combines have lateral tilt heads. Price of tire is around 2300 dollars.


We are running that combination on MF 8590 with 8 row corn head and like it real well.


We run the 28l26 tires on the back of a 9600 and they unstopable in the mud in my opinion they are the best RWD tire out there I willnot buy a combine without them.


We run the 28l26 tires on the back of a 9600 and they unstopable in the mud in my opinion they are the best RWD tire out there I willnot buy a combine without them.