Combines 7720 feeder house top shaft removal


Farny, I'm still debating on how to take the feeder of the 7700 if the bearings go south on me. It looks like you would have to take the lower header drive belt off first, then take off the upper belt that comes off of the primary countershaft so you can move the feeder away from the machine. Remove the 2 flat keeper pins that hold the feeder in place with its brackets and i'm going to use a heavy cargo strap to hold the feeder and use the tractor front end loader with bale spike run through the strap to hold the feeder up and be able to move it up or down. I plan on leaving the lift cylinders connected to keep the thing balanced and when I put it back to the combine I can pull them back in using hyd. power of the machine. Can you move the sprocket by getting to it via the cleanout doors at the top of the F.H.IJ 95man


The best thing when removing the feederhouse is to put a header on it to balance it. If you do that it cant fall over. It will probally have a little tention on it whenever you drive the flat pins out. Inspect the flat pins very well I had two to break on me, probally because of the 844 corn head. Always replace bearings like that because it will probally go out 10 min. after you put it all back togather if you dont. Also take a half link out of the fedderhouse chain while you have it out. Take that advice from some who has pretty much torn a 7720 completely apart, most of the time in the middle of the field... Hope the info helps and remember to be carefull with the feederhouse its kinda tricky taking it off...


when i take my FH OFF i allways leave my header on for balance i put a chain around top FHshaft 4 saftey an hook it to frontend loader if possibly.


Well you have two choices. the first is you can buy a split sprocket (plastic) however they are very strong and work well. The second is to remove the header and replace the sprockets (they do line up) and the bearings. I always use a 45 hallon drum under the header with some blocks then let the header down onto then till the pressure is realeased. Make sure that the blocks are the right height.