Combines 7720 perfomance


Yeah we have an 8820 and the front curtain is ripped to shreds. What are the curtains really forIJ


On my 6600 my front curtain is also ripped up(missing in the middle half) and I am throwing more grain (last harvest season)out the back than with my IH combine. I have bought a new front curtain to install for this season and hopefully it will place the grain a little farther forward on the chaffer and straw walkers and will stay in the combine easier. But I may be all wrong. we will see what happens.


The curtains are in there to keep straw, chaff and grain from being throw way back on the walkers so all of the walker area can be utilized thus lowering walker losses. In my 8820 I am running 1 walker curtain with a heavier type of canvas of it (baler belting) in the middle position and have had no trouble with walker loss or with backfeeding the beater. If your combine has a finger bar beater grate, I reccommend running it in the upper position and leave it there unless you encounter backfeeding or plugging. The beater and the walkers need to be as aggressive as possible in these machines as you can push grain right thru the combine. let me know if I can help you further. 95man


don't have trouble with curtains but do have a problem with the chaffer being stuck full of stalks,this in the front part.Have wind up and screens closed, happens bad in corn not quite so bad in beans. Put a Maize guard on but cut capacity to much.Any cures beside change color or buy new


sri, the stalks getting into the front part of the shoe are probably falling thru the walkers and being carried forward back to the cleaning shoe and when they fall off the pan they get into the chaffer_sieve. When in corn, are you pulling in quite a bit of trash inIJ Are your walker losses highIJ Have walker checks revealed the there are lots of stalk pieces on the walkersIJ Might be more of a corn head problem rather than a walker_shoe problem. let me know what's going on. 95


Yes I would say that quite a bit of trash or stalks are going in the combine,in this area the corn is always a little wet from long season corn and short growing season.I plant mostly pioneer and NK and the pioneer is worse for broken stalks but generally yields a little better.Mostly its just the top of the stalk that breaks off,it then goes through the walkers and the augers seem to line the stalks up straight so that when they fall off the bottom troughs they fall straight down into the screens.I say I have tried the maize guard.A piece of metal that bolts on the thistle screen,and it does work but lowers capacity way to much,if I close the screen,then over load tailings.This has always been a problem with this machine and neighbors the same way.If you get just the right weather ,where its damp enough to keep stalks from breaking its not bad.Never had this trouble with my Massey and see that the new Deeres have a shaker pan like they had,anything to get stalks so they don't fall straight down.As far as the cor head goes I think it is set about as good as I can get it for even feeding and still get the corn,field loses are nill,head works good and was rebuilt a couple of years ago,didn't help at all.Have tried changing head speed and other things but can't seem to figure it out.I have never been docked for foriegn matter but don't like all those pieces of six to twelve inch long stalks. Any help would be appreciated Thanks