Combines 7720 stalks in clean grain


What crop are your runningIJ What are the conditions (ie clean, weedfree, green stalks)IJ What is your concave setting and cylinder speedIJ It could be that you are grinding up the stalks too much.


We have put a metal plate to cover the first 9 inches of the chaffer (a fixed Peterson Chaffer). There seems to be less air in the front of the chaffer and this helps keep the grain clean.


I have also tried a maize guard from jd,fits over the thistle screen and it does work,but cuts capacity to much for any hillside work. As far as settings basically it's set to just get the corn off,cylinder speed varies with moisture but usually around three hundred,It does this no matter what the settings and I've tried them all.Sometimes when conditions are just right with a little dew or the right variety the sample is clean.The problem is in the walker augers I think,they bring stalks that fall through the walkers and then line them up so they drop straight down.Still looking for a cure,but will try different adjustments again.Basically I guess I wanted to know if this a combine trait,of this model and if anyone else has similar trouble.Corn is weed free and moisture is at 25.But it does this all the time.No matter the situation.


check your fan intakes our 7720 used to suck leaves and bits of stalk up and throw them underneath the screens which then fall to the clean grain auger and it does not matter what you set the machine on sieves chaffer cylinder took us along time to work out what was going on hope this helps


I was the guy who posted about the maise guard this spring. I put mine in a 6620 sidehill with a little fabraction on them I cut them down to 5" and put them in. no more stalks in sieves, they work great.


I have also tried a maize guard an it does work but with out a hillside combine it cuts capacity way to much an then it goes out the back,I may try and put it back in only cut it down some as you did,just hate to go through all the work only to tear it back out again