Combines 7720 versus 7720 titan II


Differences: About 20 more HP, an 8820 tailings elevator, 6" longer cleaning shoe that had a faster shaking motion, alot of the chains were chrome pinned (elevators). Planetary drives became available. I'm sure there's more but I can't remember but I hope this helps. 95man


Heavier planetary cylinder drive, and bracing around it. cleaning shoe shakes faster. A lot of small improvements. I would definitely would buy the Titan II with a serial number about 62000 should give you all the updates.


84 models had all that but the standard shoe. The faster shake on the shoe was thought to help separate 28% corn a little better. All this really did was help destroy all the shoe mounts and drives much faster. Most guys put the slower sprokets back. None of the 7720's have any real big dollar value now. Shame, they were a good machine with a lot of capacity.