Combines 8 1 Water Pumps going bad in 9650 and 9750STS


I know that almost all 8010 series tractors have the plastic water pump impeller fail, older and newer engine have the steel impeller. Never seen one hurt the cover, because when it comes loose, it overheats instantly, and you really cant run it for long without more severe damage. so in those combines i would say that any model year 99-2001 would probably have that bad water pump. In the 8410's they go out normally around 2000 hours


Our plastic impeller came loose at 1200 hours on our 8410 this spring and it doesn't take long to overheat. We lost the tractor for the last two days of spring work and had the pay the whole bill to replace the water pump, labor, cost of pickup from field to dealer and John Deere doesn't want to pay for anything. I told them if I am paying for a quality tractor then I don't want parts from ERTl toy tractors on my real tractor.


The water pump updates to a new number. Nearly all of our tractors with this pump have failed nearly every year till the last change which seems to be working good. We had a bad batch in 50 series combines but after changing them they have been fine. I think it was 2002 that was bad.


So if there was a bad batch, then why should the farmers be paying to fix the mistakeIJ


i'd find a new service department, i have replaced many of those in the field in 8410's takes about a good hour in the field