G'Day Guys One more harvest to go!! 1000 acres of wheat, that "may" get over 4 ton_Ha!! Yippee!!!

About bloody time! Tom, That over heating issue is intresting you bring that up now! last year we had a couple days during harvest that was in the mid 40's C! And Cummings was complaining of high temp, so we stopped anyway for fire risk issues! My neighbor mentioned to me about his Case 2388 having same issue a couple years ago, and they were told to replace the serpentine belt as well! His heating problems went away with new belt! So this year Ive changed this belt over for about the third time in its life and hope to let keep its cool a bit better on those stinking hot days now! These Belts also seem to run better when installed a certain way! If it seems to run off a couple of the pulley grooves, switch it around, so it running the opposite way to before! Our 94 R62 will be available to Aussies after I have got my 1000 acres off! Should only take less than ten days to do that!! weather permitting! Rolf