Combines 8010 combine fires


Dave, how many have you head about so farIJ The number I heard was staggering in comparison to the number that were actually sold. Sounds like a major design flaw to me.


I have only personly know of one that burned, he sent me a picture of it...since then the story came out about slowing or stopping production until the problem is totally under control...One thing I have found out in all my years of machinery maitenance is IH, Caterpiller, and Spectra Physics are very slow to put something on the market until they are confident that all the bugs are gone before the machine is shipped I did hear one burned due to faulty chopper bearing also heard a dealer talking on the phone that he wasn't going to sell anymore until the problem was taken care of, but he didn't mention the machine he was talking about...I assumed he was talking about Kinze planters because they sell close to 30 every year and was worried about getting them all put together and service follow up done as needed only thing worse than not enough business is too much business and not having the experience to know enough about either...customer has to come first, and every customer has to think that he is the most important one...I have learned a lot about dealing with the public