Combines 8010 here we go


Are you running a rock trapIJ and in what conditions is it occuringIJ


I know this won't help you with your problem but the CR feederhouse is very different. The CR is designed as all NH machines have been for years. There is no rock trap instead they use an electronic detection with a trap door to eject rocks. There is no feeder beater. The feederchain drops the crop dirctly at the rotor infeed augers. The NH uses a 3 strand chain with staggered bars. They use a compression spring on each side to push the feeder drum fwd keeping tension on the feeder chain at all times. The drum is free floating but with adjustable hight stops and coil springs at the outside to keep the drum down as close to the floor as the stops are set to. The truth of the matter is, that feederhouse is strickly CaseIH engineered. I recently had some time to closely look over several 8010's at the Case training center in Memphis. The basic separator and much of the base sheet meatal of the grain tank and cab are all that you can say came from anything related to a NH combine. Everthing else is from the Case engineering dept. I really expexted more commonality than there was. CaseIH even decided to use a different muffler than NH already had for the IVECO engine.


I am not using a rock trap. We are cutting very good irrigated corn with moistures ranging from 18-30. We have had problems at all moisture levels Today we have been rained out and our local case dealer brought out manchester chains with single long slats that essentially run the width of the feeder house. This is still four chains and four sprockets, but it had, I believe 18 slats instead of 14. It also was heavier built it seemed and may make a difference in the feeding. Not sure yet, but anxiouis to try it out. Case has been very good as of late in getting things out trying to get us going. Successful or not, I'll give our local case guys credit, they are letting us use a machine and header from their lot and have told us to use both machines until harvest is over. They insist getting the crop out of the field is the most important part. I'm all for that.


The chain on the NH feeder house doesn't have problems back at the rotor is because nothing is allowed to enter the feeder house at the front end. The feeder is so restrictive that you never overload the front of the rotor. Therefore you never get to use the combine to its full capacity. When corn does come in if you have the sensetivity high enough for their rock trap to detect a rock then it will open when corn cobs come in also. It is an expensive rock system that just ends up dumping a bunch of grain on the ground. Stick with your 8010, you will be far better off that anyone who has bought a CR970.