Combines 8010 on tracks


There is one running in Quebec Can. just herd of it yesterday.


Know any more about itIJ Factory tracks or aftermarketIJ


Wonder if they are the same tracks they put on the Quad track 4 wheel drive tractors, that would make the parts available.


I heard of it. It is in the St-Hyacinthe region, in Quebec. The guy installed them about two weeks ago because its fields are so muddy. I don't know which brand it is, but it is not Quadtracs tracks. I heard that he had some problems with the transmission: with the track, he needs to be in the fourth gear full throttle to reach a max speed of...5mph. He's returning his combine to GI for a complete revision of the machine (Case asked every buyers of the 87 AFX already sold to return them to GI where modifications will be made to correct the fuel filter problems as well as the fire problem -almost all the AFX sold had some sort of fire problems) Case is supposed to install a new transmission that will allow road speeds of 25 mph