Combines 8010 over ratedIJ


I chatted with a CaseIH rep last week at the show, and he was quite honest about the performance....and requirements of the AFX8010. His words were that CaseIH is suggesting that if you can't keep the machine full at all times, you will not get the benefit out of upgrading from a 2388. They are suggesting that you run a minimum of 12row corn head, and 30'grain...prefferably a 36' grain head. He said CaseIH are telling dealers to strongly discourage farmers from this combine if they're bushels_acre aren't high either. As far as I could tell, this machine is living up to it's's all about capacity and quality. Can't wait to shake one down in my fields next year !! Not sure about the New Holland combines, but it looks like the new CR's do a pretty good job too. "If g0d isn't a Penn State fan, then why is the sky Blue and White"


When you talk about the size of headers you need to keep them full....the next item on the adgenda is how do you get all of that grain away with that amount of capacity. The item I think about is when you make a purchase of this size you have to think is this a management decision or are you wanting to be first in lineIJ


BUllS-EYE!!! My neighbor 4 roads over bought a 9750STS only to find, at full strut, his 2 650 bushel buggies and 3 semi-trucks can't keep the grain away fast enough! Yes, he was the first to have a 9750, but aside from bigger payments, where did it get himIJ


That was another topic raised by CaseIH to discourage farmers from upgrading to the AFX8010. They kept coming back to the question..."do you need_require to get your crops off in under a certain amount of time IJ" I was impressed with CaseIH for the way they are marketing this machine...they are not saying it's the "be all and end all of combines", it seems they are marketing it as a "specialized" combine that many should not even consider.


What is the Case CBX prototype, never heard of it. Sounds interesting. Allen


Yes...I think you're fact, I think he's switched sides a couple times this year !! "If g0d isn't a Penn State fan, then why is the sky Blue and White"


Every machine has it's learning curve,local dealer had a CX840 demoing with 9650and9750 Deere's and kept up with no problems.


Be glad Case IH has a new combine. If NH had not bought out Case when they did, Case might be bankrupt by now...........